Source code for imaginaire.utils.misc

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"""Miscellaneous utils."""
import collections
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
string_classes = (str, bytes)
[docs]def split_labels(labels, label_lengths): r"""Split concatenated labels into their parts. Args: labels (torch.Tensor): Labels obtained through concatenation. label_lengths (OrderedDict): Containing order of labels & their lengths. Returns: """ assert isinstance(label_lengths, OrderedDict) start = 0 outputs = {} for data_type, length in label_lengths.items(): end = start + length if labels.dim() == 5: outputs[data_type] = labels[:, :, start:end] elif labels.dim() == 4: outputs[data_type] = labels[:, start:end] elif labels.dim() == 3: outputs[data_type] = labels[start:end] start = end return outputs
[docs]def requires_grad(model, require=True): r""" Set a model to require gradient or not. Args: model (nn.Module): Neural network model. require (bool): Whether the network requires gradient or not. Returns: """ for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = require
[docs]def to_device(data, device): r"""Move all tensors inside data to device. Args: data (dict, list, or tensor): Input data. device (str): 'cpu' or 'cuda'. """ assert device in ['cpu', 'cuda'] if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = return data elif isinstance(data, return {key: to_device(data[key], device) for key in data} elif isinstance(data, and \ not isinstance(data, string_classes): return [to_device(d, device) for d in data] else: return data
[docs]def to_cuda(data): r"""Move all tensors inside data to gpu. Args: data (dict, list, or tensor): Input data. """ return to_device(data, 'cuda')
[docs]def to_cpu(data): r"""Move all tensors inside data to cpu. Args: data (dict, list, or tensor): Input data. """ return to_device(data, 'cpu')
[docs]def to_half(data): r"""Move all floats to half. Args: data (dict, list or tensor): Input data. """ if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor) and torch.is_floating_point(data): data = data.half() return data elif isinstance(data, return {key: to_half(data[key]) for key in data} elif isinstance(data, and \ not isinstance(data, string_classes): return [to_half(d) for d in data] else: return data
[docs]def to_float(data): r"""Move all halfs to float. Args: data (dict, list or tensor): Input data. """ if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor) and torch.is_floating_point(data): data = data.float() return data elif isinstance(data, return {key: to_float(data[key]) for key in data} elif isinstance(data, and \ not isinstance(data, string_classes): return [to_float(d) for d in data] else: return data
[docs]def to_channels_last(data): r"""Move all data to ``channels_last`` format. Args: data (dict, list or tensor): Input data. """ if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): if data.dim() == 4: data = return data elif isinstance(data, return {key: to_channels_last(data[key]) for key in data} elif isinstance(data, and \ not isinstance(data, string_classes): return [to_channels_last(d) for d in data] else: return data
[docs]def slice_tensor(data, start, end): r"""Slice all tensors from start to end. Args: data (dict, list or tensor): Input data. """ if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = data[start:end] return data elif isinstance(data, return {key: slice_tensor(data[key], start, end) for key in data} elif isinstance(data, and \ not isinstance(data, string_classes): return [slice_tensor(d, start, end) for d in data] else: return data
[docs]def get_and_setattr(cfg, name, default): r"""Get attribute with default choice. If attribute does not exist, set it using the default value. Args: cfg (obj) : Config options. name (str) : Attribute name. default (obj) : Default attribute. Returns: (obj) : Desired attribute. """ if not hasattr(cfg, name) or name not in cfg.__dict__: setattr(cfg, name, default) return getattr(cfg, name)
[docs]def get_nested_attr(cfg, attr_name, default): r"""Iteratively try to get the attribute from cfg. If not found, return default. Args: cfg (obj): Config file. attr_name (str): Attribute name (e.g. XXX.YYY.ZZZ). default (obj): Default return value for the attribute. Returns: (obj): Attribute value. """ names = attr_name.split('.') atr = cfg for name in names: if not hasattr(atr, name): return default atr = getattr(atr, name) return atr
[docs]def gradient_norm(model): r"""Return the gradient norm of model. Args: model (PyTorch module): Your network. """ total_norm = 0 for p in model.parameters(): if p.grad is not None: param_norm = p.grad.norm(2) total_norm += param_norm.item() ** 2 return total_norm ** (1. / 2)
[docs]def random_shift(x, offset=0.05, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='reflection'): r"""Randomly shift the input tensor. Args: x (4D tensor): The input batch of images. offset (int): The maximum offset ratio that is between [0, 1]. The maximum shift is offset * image_size for each direction. mode (str): The resample mode for 'F.grid_sample'. padding_mode (str): The padding mode for 'F.grid_sample'. Returns: x (4D tensor) : The randomly shifted image. """ assert x.dim() == 4, "Input must be a 4D tensor." batch_size = x.size(0) theta = torch.eye(2, 3, device=x.device).unsqueeze(0).repeat( batch_size, 1, 1) theta[:, :, 2] = 2 * offset * torch.rand(batch_size, 2) - offset grid = F.affine_grid(theta, x.size()) x = F.grid_sample(x, grid, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode) return x
# def truncated_gaussian(threshold, size, seed=None, device=None): # r"""Apply the truncated gaussian trick to trade diversity for quality # # Args: # threshold (float): Truncation threshold. # size (list of integer): Tensor size. # seed (int): Random seed. # device: # """ # state = None if seed is None else np.random.RandomState(seed) # values = truncnorm.rvs(-threshold, threshold, # size=size, random_state=state) # return torch.tensor(values, device=device).float()
[docs]def apply_imagenet_normalization(input): r"""Normalize using ImageNet mean and std. Args: input (4D tensor NxCxHxW): The input images, assuming to be [-1, 1]. Returns: Normalized inputs using the ImageNet normalization. """ # normalize the input back to [0, 1] normalized_input = (input + 1) / 2 # normalize the input using the ImageNet mean and std mean = normalized_input.new_tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).view(1, 3, 1, 1) std = normalized_input.new_tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).view(1, 3, 1, 1) output = (normalized_input - mean) / std return output