Source code for imaginaire.generators.vid2vid

# Copyright (C) 2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.  All rights reserved.
# This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License-NC.
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from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from imaginaire.generators.fs_vid2vid import LabelEmbedder
from imaginaire.layers import Conv2dBlock, LinearBlock, Res2dBlock
from imaginaire.model_utils.fs_vid2vid import (extract_valid_pose_labels,
from import (get_paired_input_image_channel_number,
from imaginaire.utils.init_weight import weights_init
[docs]class BaseNetwork(nn.Module): r"""vid2vid generator.""" def __init__(self): super(BaseNetwork, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_num_filters(self, num_downsamples): r"""Get the number of filters at current layer. Args: num_downsamples (int) : How many downsamples at current layer. Returns: output (int) : Number of filters. """ return min(self.max_num_filters, self.num_filters * (2 ** num_downsamples))
[docs]class Generator(BaseNetwork): r"""vid2vid generator constructor. Args: gen_cfg (obj): Generator definition part of the yaml config file. data_cfg (obj): Data definition part of the yaml config file. """ def __init__(self, gen_cfg, data_cfg): super().__init__() self.gen_cfg = gen_cfg self.data_cfg = data_cfg self.num_frames_G = data_cfg.num_frames_G # Number of residual blocks in generator. self.num_layers = num_layers = getattr(gen_cfg, 'num_layers', 7) # Number of downsamplings for previous frame. self.num_downsamples_img = getattr(gen_cfg, 'num_downsamples_img', 4) # Number of filters in the first layer. self.num_filters = num_filters = getattr(gen_cfg, 'num_filters', 32) self.max_num_filters = getattr(gen_cfg, 'max_num_filters', 1024) self.kernel_size = kernel_size = getattr(gen_cfg, 'kernel_size', 3) padding = kernel_size // 2 # For pose dataset. self.is_pose_data = hasattr(data_cfg, 'for_pose_dataset') if self.is_pose_data: pose_cfg = data_cfg.for_pose_dataset self.pose_type = getattr(pose_cfg, 'pose_type', 'both') self.remove_face_labels = getattr(pose_cfg, 'remove_face_labels', False) # Input data params. num_input_channels = get_paired_input_label_channel_number(data_cfg) num_img_channels = get_paired_input_image_channel_number(data_cfg) aug_cfg = data_cfg.val.augmentations if hasattr(aug_cfg, 'center_crop_h_w'): crop_h_w = aug_cfg.center_crop_h_w elif hasattr(aug_cfg, 'resize_h_w'): crop_h_w = aug_cfg.resize_h_w else: raise ValueError('Need to specify output size.') crop_h, crop_w = crop_h_w.split(',') crop_h, crop_w = int(crop_h), int(crop_w) # Spatial size at the bottle neck of generator. = crop_h // (2 ** num_layers) self.sw = crop_w // (2 ** num_layers) # Noise vector dimension. self.z_dim = getattr(gen_cfg, 'style_dims', 256) self.use_segmap_as_input = \ getattr(gen_cfg, 'use_segmap_as_input', False) # Label / image embedding network. self.emb_cfg = emb_cfg = getattr(gen_cfg, 'embed', None) self.use_embed = getattr(emb_cfg, 'use_embed', 'True') self.num_downsamples_embed = getattr(emb_cfg, 'num_downsamples', 5) if self.use_embed: self.label_embedding = LabelEmbedder(emb_cfg, num_input_channels) # Flow network. self.flow_cfg = flow_cfg = gen_cfg.flow # Use SPADE to combine warped and hallucinated frames instead of # linear combination. self.spade_combine = getattr(flow_cfg, 'multi_spade_combine', True) # Number of layers to perform multi-spade combine. self.num_multi_spade_layers = getattr(flow_cfg.multi_spade_combine, 'num_layers', 3) # At beginning of training, only train an image generator. self.temporal_initialized = False # Whether to output hallucinated frame (when training temporal network) # for additional loss. self.generate_raw_output = False # Image generation network. weight_norm_type = getattr(gen_cfg, 'weight_norm_type', 'spectral') activation_norm_type = gen_cfg.activation_norm_type activation_norm_params = gen_cfg.activation_norm_params if self.use_embed and \ not hasattr(activation_norm_params, 'num_filters'): activation_norm_params.num_filters = 0 nonlinearity = 'leakyrelu' self.base_res_block = base_res_block = partial( Res2dBlock, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, weight_norm_type=weight_norm_type, activation_norm_type=activation_norm_type, activation_norm_params=activation_norm_params, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, order='NACNAC') # Upsampling residual blocks. for i in range(num_layers, -1, -1): activation_norm_params.cond_dims = self.get_cond_dims(i) activation_norm_params.partial = self.get_partial( i) if hasattr(self, 'get_partial') else False layer = base_res_block(self.get_num_filters(i + 1), self.get_num_filters(i)) setattr(self, 'up_%d' % i, layer) # Final conv layer. self.conv_img = Conv2dBlock(num_filters, num_img_channels, kernel_size, padding=padding, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, order='AC') num_filters = min(self.max_num_filters, num_filters * (2 ** (self.num_layers + 1))) if self.use_segmap_as_input: self.fc = Conv2dBlock(num_input_channels, num_filters, kernel_size=3, padding=1) else: self.fc = LinearBlock(self.z_dim, num_filters * * self.sw) # Misc. self.downsample = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.upsample = partial(F.interpolate, scale_factor=2) self.init_temporal_network()
[docs] def forward(self, data): r"""vid2vid generator forward. Args: data (dict) : Dictionary of input data. Returns: output (dict) : Dictionary of output data. """ label = data['label'] label_prev, img_prev = data['prev_labels'], data['prev_images'] is_first_frame = img_prev is None z = getattr(data, 'z', None) bs, _, h, w = label.size() if self.is_pose_data: label, label_prev = extract_valid_pose_labels( [label, label_prev], self.pose_type, self.remove_face_labels) # Get SPADE conditional maps by embedding current label input. cond_maps_now = self.get_cond_maps(label, self.label_embedding) # Input to the generator will either be noise/segmentation map (for # first frame) or encoded previous frame (for subsequent frames). if is_first_frame: # First frame in the sequence, start from scratch. if self.use_segmap_as_input: x_img = F.interpolate(label, size=(, self.sw)) x_img = self.fc(x_img) else: if z is None: z = torch.randn(bs, self.z_dim, dtype=label.dtype, device=label.get_device()).fill_(0) x_img = self.fc(z).view(bs, -1,, self.sw) # Upsampling layers. for i in range(self.num_layers, self.num_downsamples_img, -1): j = min(self.num_downsamples_embed, i) x_img = getattr(self, 'up_' + str(i))(x_img, *cond_maps_now[j]) x_img = self.upsample(x_img) else: # Not the first frame, will encode the previous frame and feed to # the generator. x_img = self.down_first(img_prev[:, -1]) # Get label embedding for the previous frame. cond_maps_prev = self.get_cond_maps(label_prev[:, -1], self.label_embedding) # Downsampling layers. for i in range(self.num_downsamples_img + 1): j = min(self.num_downsamples_embed, i) x_img = getattr(self, 'down_' + str(i))(x_img, *cond_maps_prev[j]) if i != self.num_downsamples_img: x_img = self.downsample(x_img) # Resnet blocks. j = min(self.num_downsamples_embed, self.num_downsamples_img + 1) for i in range(self.num_res_blocks): cond_maps = cond_maps_prev[j] if i < self.num_res_blocks // 2 \ else cond_maps_now[j] x_img = getattr(self, 'res_' + str(i))(x_img, *cond_maps) flow = mask = img_warp = None num_frames_G = self.num_frames_G # Whether to warp the previous frame or not. warp_prev = self.temporal_initialized and not is_first_frame and \ label_prev.shape[1] == num_frames_G - 1 if warp_prev: # Estimate flow & mask. label_concat =[label_prev.view(bs, -1, h, w), label], dim=1) img_prev_concat = img_prev.view(bs, -1, h, w) flow, mask = self.flow_network_temp(label_concat, img_prev_concat) img_warp = resample(img_prev[:, -1], flow) if self.spade_combine: # if using SPADE combine, integrate the warped image (and # occlusion mask) into conditional inputs for SPADE. img_embed =[img_warp, mask], dim=1) cond_maps_img = self.get_cond_maps(img_embed, self.img_prev_embedding) x_raw_img = None # Main image generation branch. for i in range(self.num_downsamples_img, -1, -1): # Get SPADE conditional inputs. j = min(i, self.num_downsamples_embed) cond_maps = cond_maps_now[j] # For raw output generation. if self.generate_raw_output: if i >= self.num_multi_spade_layers - 1: x_raw_img = x_img if i < self.num_multi_spade_layers: x_raw_img = self.one_up_conv_layer(x_raw_img, cond_maps, i) # For final output. if warp_prev and i < self.num_multi_spade_layers: cond_maps += cond_maps_img[j] x_img = self.one_up_conv_layer(x_img, cond_maps, i) # Final conv layer. img_final = torch.tanh(self.conv_img(x_img)) img_raw = None if self.spade_combine and self.generate_raw_output: img_raw = torch.tanh(self.conv_img(x_raw_img)) if warp_prev and not self.spade_combine: img_raw = img_final img_final = img_final * mask + img_warp * (1 - mask) output = dict() output['fake_images'] = img_final output['fake_flow_maps'] = flow output['fake_occlusion_masks'] = mask output['fake_raw_images'] = img_raw output['warped_images'] = img_warp return output
[docs] def one_up_conv_layer(self, x, encoded_label, i): r"""One residual block layer in the main branch. Args: x (4D tensor) : Current feature map. encoded_label (list of tensors) : Encoded input label maps. i (int) : Layer index. Returns: x (4D tensor) : Output feature map. """ layer = getattr(self, 'up_' + str(i)) x = layer(x, *encoded_label) if i != 0: x = self.upsample(x) return x
[docs] def init_temporal_network(self, cfg_init=None): r"""When starting training multiple frames, initialize the downsampling network and flow network. Args: cfg_init (dict) : Weight initialization config. """ # Number of image downsamplings for the previous frame. num_downsamples_img = self.num_downsamples_img # Number of residual blocks for the previous frame. self.num_res_blocks = int( np.ceil((self.num_layers - num_downsamples_img) / 2.0) * 2) # First conv layer. num_img_channels = get_paired_input_image_channel_number(self.data_cfg) self.down_first = \ Conv2dBlock(num_img_channels, self.num_filters, self.kernel_size, padding=self.kernel_size // 2) if cfg_init is not None: self.down_first.apply(weights_init(cfg_init.type, cfg_init.gain)) # Downsampling residual blocks. activation_norm_params = self.gen_cfg.activation_norm_params for i in range(num_downsamples_img + 1): activation_norm_params.cond_dims = self.get_cond_dims(i) layer = self.base_res_block(self.get_num_filters(i), self.get_num_filters(i + 1)) if cfg_init is not None: layer.apply(weights_init(cfg_init.type, cfg_init.gain)) setattr(self, 'down_%d' % i, layer) # Additional residual blocks. res_ch = self.get_num_filters(num_downsamples_img + 1) activation_norm_params.cond_dims = \ self.get_cond_dims(num_downsamples_img + 1) for i in range(self.num_res_blocks): layer = self.base_res_block(res_ch, res_ch) if cfg_init is not None: layer.apply(weights_init(cfg_init.type, cfg_init.gain)) setattr(self, 'res_%d' % i, layer) # Flow network. flow_cfg = self.flow_cfg self.temporal_initialized = True self.generate_raw_output = getattr(flow_cfg, 'generate_raw_output', False) and self.spade_combine self.flow_network_temp = FlowGenerator(flow_cfg, self.data_cfg) if cfg_init is not None: self.flow_network_temp.apply(weights_init(cfg_init.type, cfg_init.gain)) self.spade_combine = getattr(flow_cfg, 'multi_spade_combine', True) if self.spade_combine: emb_cfg = flow_cfg.multi_spade_combine.embed num_img_channels = get_paired_input_image_channel_number( self.data_cfg) self.img_prev_embedding = LabelEmbedder(emb_cfg, num_img_channels + 1) if cfg_init is not None: self.img_prev_embedding.apply(weights_init(cfg_init.type, cfg_init.gain))
[docs] def get_cond_dims(self, num_downs=0): r"""Get the dimensions of conditional inputs. Args: num_downs (int) : How many downsamples at current layer. Returns: ch (list) : List of dimensions. """ if not self.use_embed: ch = [self.num_input_channels] else: num_filters = getattr(self.emb_cfg, 'num_filters', 32) num_downs = min(num_downs, self.num_downsamples_embed) ch = [min(self.max_num_filters, num_filters * (2 ** num_downs))] if (num_downs < self.num_multi_spade_layers): ch = ch * 2 return ch
[docs] def get_cond_maps(self, label, embedder): r"""Get the conditional inputs. Args: label (4D tensor) : Input label tensor. embedder (obj) : Embedding network. Returns: cond_maps (list) : List of conditional inputs. """ if not self.use_embed: return [label] * (self.num_layers + 1) embedded_label = embedder(label) cond_maps = [embedded_label] cond_maps = [[m[i] for m in cond_maps] for i in range(len(cond_maps[0]))] return cond_maps
[docs]class FlowGenerator(BaseNetwork): r"""Flow generator constructor. Args: flow_cfg (obj): Flow definition part of the yaml config file. data_cfg (obj): Data definition part of the yaml config file. """ def __init__(self, flow_cfg, data_cfg): super().__init__() num_input_channels = get_paired_input_label_channel_number(data_cfg) num_prev_img_channels = get_paired_input_image_channel_number(data_cfg) num_frames = data_cfg.num_frames_G # Num. of input frames. self.num_filters = num_filters = getattr(flow_cfg, 'num_filters', 32) self.max_num_filters = getattr(flow_cfg, 'max_num_filters', 1024) num_downsamples = getattr(flow_cfg, 'num_downsamples', 5) kernel_size = getattr(flow_cfg, 'kernel_size', 3) padding = kernel_size // 2 self.num_res_blocks = getattr(flow_cfg, 'num_res_blocks', 6) # Multiplier on the flow output. self.flow_output_multiplier = getattr(flow_cfg, 'flow_output_multiplier', 20) activation_norm_type = getattr(flow_cfg, 'activation_norm_type', 'sync_batch') weight_norm_type = getattr(flow_cfg, 'weight_norm_type', 'spectral') base_conv_block = partial(Conv2dBlock, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, weight_norm_type=weight_norm_type, activation_norm_type=activation_norm_type, nonlinearity='leakyrelu') # Will downsample the labels and prev frames separately, then combine. down_lbl = [base_conv_block(num_input_channels * num_frames, num_filters)] down_img = [base_conv_block(num_prev_img_channels * (num_frames - 1), num_filters)] for i in range(num_downsamples): down_lbl += [base_conv_block(self.get_num_filters(i), self.get_num_filters(i + 1), stride=2)] down_img += [base_conv_block(self.get_num_filters(i), self.get_num_filters(i + 1), stride=2)] # Resnet blocks. res_flow = [] ch = self.get_num_filters(num_downsamples) for i in range(self.num_res_blocks): res_flow += [ Res2dBlock(ch, ch, kernel_size, padding=padding, weight_norm_type=weight_norm_type, activation_norm_type=activation_norm_type, order='CNACN')] # Upsample. up_flow = [] for i in reversed(range(num_downsamples)): up_flow += [nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2), base_conv_block(self.get_num_filters(i + 1), self.get_num_filters(i))] conv_flow = [Conv2dBlock(num_filters, 2, kernel_size, padding=padding)] conv_mask = [Conv2dBlock(num_filters, 1, kernel_size, padding=padding, nonlinearity='sigmoid')] self.down_lbl = nn.Sequential(*down_lbl) self.down_img = nn.Sequential(*down_img) self.res_flow = nn.Sequential(*res_flow) self.up_flow = nn.Sequential(*up_flow) self.conv_flow = nn.Sequential(*conv_flow) self.conv_mask = nn.Sequential(*conv_mask)
[docs] def forward(self, label, img_prev): r"""Flow generator forward. Args: label (4D tensor) : Input label tensor. img_prev (4D tensor) : Previously generated image tensors. Returns: (tuple): - flow (4D tensor) : Generated flow map. - mask (4D tensor) : Generated occlusion mask. """ downsample = self.down_lbl(label) + self.down_img(img_prev) res = self.res_flow(downsample) flow_feat = self.up_flow(res) flow = self.conv_flow(flow_feat) * self.flow_output_multiplier mask = self.conv_mask(flow_feat) return flow, mask