Source code for imaginaire.evaluation.kid

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import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import torch
from imaginaire.evaluation.common import get_activations, \
from imaginaire.utils.distributed import is_master
from imaginaire.utils.distributed import master_only_print as print
[docs]@torch.no_grad() def compute_kid(kid_path, data_loader, net_G, key_real='images', key_fake='fake_images', real_act=None, fake_act=None, sample_size=None, preprocess=None, is_video=False, save_act=True, num_subsets=1, subset_size=None, **kwargs): r"""Compute the kid score. Args: kid_path (str): Location for store feature activations. data_loader (obj): PyTorch dataloader object. net_G (obj): For image generation modes, net_G is the PyTorch trainer network. For video generation models, net_G is the trainer because video generation requires more complicated processing. key_real (str): Dictionary key value for the real data. key_fake (str): Dictionary key value for the fake data. real_act (torch.Tensor or None): Feature activations of real data. fake_act (torch.Tensor or None): Feature activations of fake data. sample_size (int): How many samples to be used for computing feature activations. preprocess (func): The preprocess function to be applied to the data. is_video (bool): Whether we are handling video sequences. save_act (bool): If ``True``, saves real activations to the disk and reload them in the future. It might save some computation but will cost storage. num_subsets (int): Number of subsets to sample from all the samples. subset_size (int): Number of samples in each subset. Returns: kid (float): KID value. """ print('Computing KID.') act_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(kid_path), 'activations_real.npy' ) if save_act else None # Get the fake activations. if fake_act is None: fake_act = load_or_compute_activations(None, data_loader, key_real, key_fake, net_G, sample_size, preprocess, is_video=is_video, **kwargs) else: print(f"Using precomputed activations of size {fake_act.shape}.") # Get the ground truth activations. if real_act is None: real_act = load_or_compute_activations(act_path, data_loader, key_real, key_fake, None, sample_size, preprocess, is_video=is_video, **kwargs) else: print(f"Using precomputed activations of size {real_act.shape}.") if is_master(): return _polynomial_mmd_averages(fake_act, real_act, num_subsets, subset_size, ret_var=True)["KID"]
[docs]@torch.no_grad() def compute_kid_data(kid_path, data_loader_a, data_loader_b, key_a='images', key_b='images', sample_size=None, is_video=False, num_subsets=1, subset_size=None, **kwargs): r"""Compute the kid score between two datasets. Args: kid_path (str): Location for store feature activations. data_loader_a (obj): PyTorch dataloader object for dataset a. data_loader_b (obj): PyTorch dataloader object for dataset b. key_a (str): Dictionary key value for images in the dataset a. key_b (str): Dictionary key value for images in the dataset b. sample_size (int): How many samples to be used for computing the KID. is_video (bool): Whether we are handling video sequences. num_subsets (int): Number of subsets to sample from the whole data. subset_size (int): Number of samples in each subset. Returns: kid (float): KID value. """ min_data_size = min(len(data_loader_a.dataset), len(data_loader_b.dataset)) if sample_size is None: sample_size = min_data_size else: sample_size = min(sample_size, min_data_size) print('Computing KID using {} images from both distributions.'. format(sample_size)) path_a = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(kid_path), 'activations_a.npy') act_a = load_or_compute_activations(path_a, data_loader_a, key_a, key_a, sample_size=sample_size, is_video=is_video, **kwargs) act_b = get_activations(data_loader_b, key_b, key_b, None, sample_size, None, **kwargs) if is_master(): return _polynomial_mmd_averages(act_a, act_b, num_subsets, subset_size, ret_var=True)["KID"]
def _polynomial_mmd_averages(codes_g, codes_r, n_subsets, subset_size, ret_var=True, **kernel_args): r"""Computes MMD between two sets of features using polynomial kernels. It performs a number of repetitions of subset sampling without replacement. Args: codes_g (Tensor): Feature activations of generated images. codes_r (Tensor): Feature activations of real images. n_subsets (int): The number of subsets. subset_size (int): The number of samples in each subset. ret_var (bool): If ``True``, returns both mean and variance of MMDs, otherwise only returns the mean. Returns: (tuple): - mmds (Tensor): Mean of MMDs. - mmd_vars (Tensor): Variance of MMDs. """ mmds = np.zeros(n_subsets) if ret_var: mmd_vars = np.zeros(n_subsets) choice = np.random.choice if subset_size is None: subset_size = min(len(codes_r), len(codes_r)) print("Subset size not provided, " "setting it to the data size ({}).".format(subset_size)) if subset_size > len(codes_g) or subset_size > len(codes_r): subset_size = min(len(codes_r), len(codes_r)) warnings.warn( "Subset size is large than the actual data size, " "setting it to the data size ({}).".format(subset_size)) for i in range(n_subsets): g = codes_g[choice(len(codes_g), subset_size, replace=False)] r = codes_r[choice(len(codes_r), subset_size, replace=False)] o = _polynomial_mmd(g, r, **kernel_args, ret_var=ret_var) if ret_var: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable mmds[i], mmd_vars[i] = o else: mmds[i] = o return {'KID': mmds.mean()} def _polynomial_kernel(X, Y=None, degree=3, gamma=None, coef0=1.): r"""Compute the polynomial kernel between X and Y""" if gamma is None: gamma = 1.0 / X.shape[1] if Y is None: Y = X # K = safe_sparse_dot(X, Y.T, dense_output=True) K = torch.matmul(X, Y.t()) K *= gamma K += coef0 K = K ** degree return K def _polynomial_mmd(codes_g, codes_r, degree=3, gamma=None, coef0=1, ret_var=True): r"""Computes MMD between two sets of features using polynomial kernels. It performs a number of repetitions of subset sampling without replacement. Args: codes_g (torch.Tensor): Feature activations of generated images. codes_r (torch.Tensor): Feature activations of real images. degree (int): The degree of the polynomial kernel. gamma (float or None): Scale of the polynomial kernel. coef0 (float or None): Bias of the polynomial kernel. ret_var (bool): If ``True``, returns both mean and variance of MMDs, otherwise only returns the mean. Returns: (tuple): - mmds (torch.Tensor): Mean of MMDs. - mmd_vars (torch.Tensor): Variance of MMDs. """ # use k(x, y) = (gamma <x, y> + coef0)^degree # default gamma is 1 / dim X = codes_g Y = codes_r # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter('ignore') K_XX = _polynomial_kernel(X, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0) K_YY = _polynomial_kernel(Y, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0) K_XY = _polynomial_kernel(X, Y, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0) return _mmd2_and_variance(K_XX, K_XY, K_YY, ret_var=ret_var) def _mmd2_and_variance(K_XX, K_XY, K_YY, unit_diagonal=False, mmd_est='unbiased', ret_var=True): r"""Based on but changed to not compute the full kernel matrix at once """ m = K_XX.shape[0] assert K_XX.shape == (m, m) assert K_XY.shape == (m, m) assert K_YY.shape == (m, m) var_at_m = m # Get the various sums of kernels that we'll use # Kts drop the diagonal, but we don't need to compute them explicitly if unit_diagonal: diag_X = diag_Y = 1 sum_diag_X = sum_diag_Y = m sum_diag2_X = sum_diag2_Y = m else: diag_X = torch.diagonal(K_XX) diag_Y = torch.diagonal(K_YY) sum_diag_X = diag_X.sum() sum_diag_Y = diag_Y.sum() sum_diag2_X = _sqn(diag_X) sum_diag2_Y = _sqn(diag_Y) Kt_XX_sums = K_XX.sum(dim=1) - diag_X Kt_YY_sums = K_YY.sum(dim=1) - diag_Y K_XY_sums_0 = K_XY.sum(dim=0) K_XY_sums_1 = K_XY.sum(dim=1) Kt_XX_sum = Kt_XX_sums.sum() Kt_YY_sum = Kt_YY_sums.sum() K_XY_sum = K_XY_sums_0.sum() if mmd_est == 'biased': mmd2 = ((Kt_XX_sum + sum_diag_X) / (m * m) + (Kt_YY_sum + sum_diag_Y) / (m * m) - 2 * K_XY_sum / (m * m)) else: assert mmd_est in {'unbiased', 'u-statistic'} mmd2 = (Kt_XX_sum + Kt_YY_sum) / (m * (m - 1)) if mmd_est == 'unbiased': mmd2 -= 2 * K_XY_sum / (m * m) else: mmd2 -= 2 * (K_XY_sum - torch.trace(K_XY)) / (m * (m - 1)) if not ret_var: return mmd2 Kt_XX_2_sum = _sqn(K_XX) - sum_diag2_X Kt_YY_2_sum = _sqn(K_YY) - sum_diag2_Y K_XY_2_sum = _sqn(K_XY) dot_XX_XY = dot_YY_YX = m1 = m - 1 m2 = m - 2 zeta1_est = ( 1 / (m * m1 * m2) * (_sqn(Kt_XX_sums) - Kt_XX_2_sum + _sqn(Kt_YY_sums) - Kt_YY_2_sum) - 1 / (m * m1) ** 2 * (Kt_XX_sum ** 2 + Kt_YY_sum ** 2) + 1 / (m * m * m1) * ( _sqn(K_XY_sums_1) + _sqn(K_XY_sums_0) - 2 * K_XY_2_sum) - 2 / m ** 4 * K_XY_sum ** 2 - 2 / (m * m * m1) * (dot_XX_XY + dot_YY_YX) + 2 / (m ** 3 * m1) * (Kt_XX_sum + Kt_YY_sum) * K_XY_sum ) zeta2_est = ( 1 / (m * m1) * (Kt_XX_2_sum + Kt_YY_2_sum) - 1 / (m * m1) ** 2 * (Kt_XX_sum ** 2 + Kt_YY_sum ** 2) + 2 / (m * m) * K_XY_2_sum - 2 / m ** 4 * K_XY_sum ** 2 - 4 / (m * m * m1) * (dot_XX_XY + dot_YY_YX) + 4 / (m ** 3 * m1) * (Kt_XX_sum + Kt_YY_sum) * K_XY_sum ) var_est = (4 * (var_at_m - 2) / (var_at_m * (var_at_m - 1)) * zeta1_est + 2 / (var_at_m * (var_at_m - 1)) * zeta2_est) return mmd2.cpu().numpy(), var_est.cpu().numpy() def _sqn(arr): r"""Squared norm.""" flat = arr.view(-1) return